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3 Killer Core Exercises

We all desire a toned, flat stomach. No surprise there. But given that numerous females are still relying on crunches to get it, we want to make one thing clear: Crunching is not the most efficient abs workout.

" Crunches work just the muscles on the front and sides of your abdomen, however it's important to target all the muscles of the core to get more defined abs-- consisting of lower back, hips, and upper thighs," states Lou Schuler, co-author of The New Rules of Lifting for Abs.

To lose stubborn belly fat and discover amazing abs, Schuler suggests a series of core stabilization exercises based on a training program developed by co-author and individual trainer Alwyn Cosgrove.

" shark tank pills like the slab aid train muscles to stabilize the spinal column and hips so you can avoid pain in the back and improve posture," Schuler states. "They also burn more calories than crunches since they work more muscles."

Side Plank

Since you're supporting your whole body weight on 2 points of contact rather of four, this abs workout is more tough than a conventional slab. As an outcome, you must work your core harder to remain stabilized.

Walkout from Push-Up Position

This abs exercise includes full-body motion, such as utilizing the limbs, while including resistance to enhance your entire core.

Alligator Drag

This abs exercise uses your whole core to keep your body stabilized and burns additional calories by including motion (dragging yourself along the flooring). It blends stability, cardio, and strength training to get you fast results.
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